Talks and presentations

  1. The effects of ocean surface waves on tropical cyclone intensity, Autumn Seminar, 2023.08, Uppsala, Sweden (Talk).

  2. The effects of ocean surface waves on tropical cyclone intensity, 4th Workshop on Waves and Wave-Coupled Processes, 2023.02, Uppsala, Sweden(Online Talk).

  3. The development of a regional Atmosphere-Ocean-Wave coupled model for Typhoon, Eat Asian Workshop on a predicted Ocean, 2021.09, Qingdao, China (online Talk).

  4. Sensitivity of typhoon modeling to surface waves and rainfall, 2th Workshop on Waves and Wave-Coupled Processes, 2017.10, Qingdao, China (Talk).

  5. Sensitivity of typhoon modeling to surface waves and rainfall, 8th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean (IWMO), 2016.06, Bologna, Italy (Poster).